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Reading and Soul Retrieval

Following my energy reading with Nathalie, it was evident that I would return. Her calm demeanor and the way she articulates in simple language without diluting the essences power were remarkable. Recently, I had a soul retrieval session with Nathalie, and she guided me through the process. I am thoroughly imoressed by her findings. I particularly value her practical advice for everyday life, which despite its simplicity has a profound impact. It feels like I'm embarking on a journey that predates my existence, and for that Nathalie deserves all the praise!


Energy Reading and Healing

Some time ago I first visited Nathalie for an energy reading and recently for a healing session. The warm, pure and loving connection Nathalie makes with you already opens the door of your heart. In both sessions she brought me to healing insights with her very clear observations that help me further on my life path. Many thanks Nathalie for the enlightenment you brought me and the deeper connection with myself. You are a very special person.


Sound Healing

Beautiful sounds of different musical instruments and the singing of Nathalie creates a deep connection with myself and makes space for what is needed. The music and singing is very beautiful bringing deep relaxation of body and mind, I have been enjoying your singing and sounds for years now. Thank you.


Energy Reading

Nathalie is one of a kind. Her readings gave me clarity, confidence and peace in my system. A deep knowing that all is well. Both times I experienced a coming home to my own being through the exchange with her. A remembering of who I am at a deeper layer, touched by the encounter. It is very special to have someone opposite you who can travel with you in all layers of your being, making you feel fully seen and known. Nathalie has that gift. And certain words spoken still regularly echo in my head, at times when I could use a reminder. Treat yourself to such an encounter with her and with yourself! It brings you closer to home.



Soul Retrieval
An old friend of mine referred me to Nathalie.

I found her stories about Nathalie and their sessions together very intriguing and I was very curious about what messages her spirit guides would have for me. My first appointment was now over a year ago, although it feels to me like it's been much longer. During this appointment I did a soul retrieval session, it was as if some kind of wind blew through me while she was singing. At another appointment my heart was opened. That was a very nice and special feeling. Since that time, each time I have been with her has actually been very different. Sometimes we meditated together, during other appointments we talked a lot and sometimes cried, and she also treated me on her treatment table. At each appointment she knew exactly what I needed at that particular moment. To one appointment I had brought my pendulum, to learn more about it. Then it turned out that she had received an insight prior to the appointment to also bring her pendulum. These type special moments are actually quite normal with her!

Nathalie has taught me a lot about myself, also about my own strengths. When I look into her eyes, I feel a lot of love. I wish everyone someone who can guide them on their life path as well as Nathalie has done for me.


Reading & massage

Nathalie, woman of the heart, brings me home to my own heart every time to live each day from the heart. Her special and unique combination of a great (heart) consciousness, touch and being, make me come back to myself again and again. My divine and spiritual side can land in form, body and earth with her guidance. Coming home to myself, my essence and thus living in love. She is sweet, plessent, pure, funny and real.


Sound Healing

In a safe space you are transported on a journey inwards towards your own experiences that are touched and become visible through the sound. During a session my perception feels more on a soul level then on a physical one, you really feel carried by the sound. I can highly recommend it!


Past life Healing

During my sessions with Nathalie I always arrive at a deeper and initiative knowing. Nathalie gives me the confidence, trust and guidance to experience and discover a new dimension. These experiences have all truly enriched my life and I cherish them and am truly grateful for them.


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