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Reading & Healing

​Provides insights and answers to questions that help you on your path of healing and releasing physical, emotional and energetic blockages.

​Blockages occur on many levels in our lives.  Both in our energetic and emotional field and in our body. Tuning into your energy gives insights and answers to important questions that can help you on your path of healing and spiritual growth.

During a reading we look at those areas in your life where you feel stuck 1.5or want to gain insight. These may have to do with your childhood traumas, relationships, family issues, your spiritual path, remembering what you came here to do and who you really are on a soul level, connecting with deceased loved ones, life lessons, fears and phobias or any other questions you may have so that we can help you get closer and closer to yourself and live more from your heart.
I am guided by the spirits, guides and counselors through images, emotions and sound. In this process, I sometimes sing to connect with the underlying messages. During the healing I use different forms of bodywork, which I intuitively combine, depending on what your body needs physically and emotionally. Different techniques are used to release old pain and impressions, both physical and emotional. Such as therapeutic massage, somatic perception and osteopathy.



A session takes 90 minutes and is divided into three parts. The first 30 minutes we discuss the areas you feel stuck in or want clearity on. This is followed by a 50 minute healing in which we work with dissolving the emotional and physical impressions in your body. In the last 10 minutes we can discuss the reading and healing you have experienced. From experience, Nathalie knows that most experiences leave deep impressions in one's emotional and physical field and often a number of sessions are needed to change it at a deeper layer. A session takes place one-to-one in my practice.



90 minutes €135,-

Buy a 5 session card and get 15% discount

5x 90 Minutes      €574,-

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